under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Online Watchtower publications archives?
by slimboyfat inyears ago i remember there being a number of sites with pretty extensive archives of watchtower publications online.
can anyone direct me to the best current site for this material?
in particular i am looking for a booklet from 1898 called "the bible vs. the theory of evolution".
under the radar
If anyone can post a copy or a link to the October 22, 1988 Awake! I'd sure appreciate it. -
Stranger in my own house, Since my wife and i don't talk much anymore nor sleep in the same bed. i feel like a stranger.
by goingthruthemotions inmy wife is shunning me.
she is always in cult mode, we don't talk anymore, we don't sleep in the same bed.
i have been sleeping on the couch.
under the radar
I agree with everyone else who said to play the headship card.
YOU take the bedroom and tell her to sleep on the couch herself until she is ready to obey the scripture that forbids withholding the "marital due." This specifically applies to even an "unbelieving" mate.
SHE is acting unscripturally on at least two counts: not respecting your headship by "forcing" you from your rightful bedroom, and by unjustifiably withholding the "marital due."
B.C. provincial court-Jehovah's Witness grandparents ordered to keep faith to themselves
by mzmmom3 ini re joined just to post this.
great feeling of validation, as this is why my entire family disowned me.. http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/canada/british-columbia/jehovah-s-witness-grandparents-ordered-to-keep-faith-to-themselves-1.3282193.
under the radar
Sorry about the double post. I went back to make some corrections and add more information, but my editing window apparently closed while I was doing so.
There was an Awake! article several years back that discussed this very thing. It gave the example of how a non-custodial father who was prohibited by the Court from discussing religion with his child could comply with that restriction and still get the child thinking about spiritual things indirectly.
I couldn't find this specific article in the Society's online library, but under "Child Custody" in the index it refers to a couple of places (pages 4-9 and 13-14) in the October 22, 1988 Awake! that dealt extensively with divorce and this issue specifically. I'm not sure this is the exact article I am thinking of and I can't check it because the online library doesn't contain much material earlier than 2000. The index shows the reference, but it's grayed out and there is no link. Hopefully, someone here has a hard copy of that issue and will post a copy or a link to it. I'd appreciate it. You're welcome to PM me if you'd rather not post the whole article publicly.
The index had another reference that may be what I'm looking for. It was the December 8, 1997 Awake!, pages 5-7. It's not available online either.
B.C. provincial court-Jehovah's Witness grandparents ordered to keep faith to themselves
by mzmmom3 ini re joined just to post this.
great feeling of validation, as this is why my entire family disowned me.. http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/canada/british-columbia/jehovah-s-witness-grandparents-ordered-to-keep-faith-to-themselves-1.3282193.
under the radar
There was a Watchtower or Awake! article several years back that discussed this very thing. It gave the example of how a non-custodial father who was prohibited by the Court from discussing religion with his child could comply with that restriction and still get the child thinking about spiritual things indirectly.
I couldn't immediately locate this article using the Society's online library, but hopefully someone here will remember it and post a copy or a link to it. I'd appreciate it.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
under the radar
How about something like "Confidential Docs - Elders Only" and then post certain BOE letters, the Flocking the Sheep book, and other embarrassing ( but official) stuff...
I bet you'd get lots of curious folks thinking they'd accidentally discovered a secret website just for elders.
Interesting day yesterday
by LisaRose ini have started walking every morning for twenty or thirty minutes.
so yesterday i had to work and almost didn't go, but decided to get in a quick ten minute walk.
i don't usually take my phone, but decided to take it, and i was so glad i did because a block from my house i came upon an older chinese man face down on the sidewalk and bleeding profusely from his mouth/face.
under the radar
Very good, LisaRose! -
"This is their best way of being in the new world"
by FreeAtLast1914 ina post from jwtalk.net reminded me of how demented the groupthink is among jehovah's witnesses (http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/16268-international-peace-security-news/):.
every one who is in the world today and dies tomorrow is in line for a ressurection.this is their best way of being in the new world.
they probably wouldn't get through the the gt.
under the radar
This kind of thinking has led to murders of whole families. True, the perpetrators were already unbalanced in one way or another, but more than one family murderer has said it was the only way to get them into heaven. I have heard of at least two JW family murderers who said they did it to make sure their family would get into the New World.
Religion is indeed the opiate of the people. But it's worse than that. I would call it a festering cancer on the face of humanity. The worse atrocities in human history were usually "justified," if not directly caused, by differing religious beliefs.
Steven Weinberg, an American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics, said: "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
That's exactly the way I feel about it.
Today's watchtower: obey us, no matter what
by Tornintwo intoday's watchtower:.
obey us, obey us even when it seems strange, obeying our man made hierarchy equates to obeying god, sacrifice your own interests, work for us, don't be independent, put your own interests aside, obey some more, preach for us, build for us, enjoy it, obey some more, forgive when we are jerks to you and mistreat you, accept your changed assignment even if it seems cruel and doesn't make sense, don't complain if we move you (eg.
) because you might have to move in the new world, remember you are being trained to obey, remember to put your own interests aside, that's the way we are designed to live - it will only make you happy!
under the radar
SecretSlaveClass: Do you have a reference for that quote?
I realize it expresses the gist of what Hitler wanted the masses to do and believe, but did he actually say that in those words? I could not find that passage in any of the research material I checked.
Even Hitler, the very personification of maniacal evil and hatred, could be less than blatant when it suited his purposes.
UPDATE on moving in with 4 guys
by Terry inliving with 4 other guys.
"good morning, richard!
richard is almost never in the house.
under the radar
You are a fine writer, Terry. Have you ever thought about writing a humor column or blog?
Seriously, when you are waxing esoteric I sometimes get lost trying to follow your lofty pontifications. But when you are writing fiction or telling about the everyday events in your life, it's like having a conversation with a friend over burgers and iced tea. (That's a compliment, by the way.)
Your story about the young girl who lived across the street was a masterpiece. Very Stephen King-esque. Your accounts of your coffee shop adventures are always interesting and make me wish I could be a "fly on the wall" and hear it first hand. But these rooming house tales are priceless. Pure situation comedy material. (Think Carol Burnett, Mary Tyler Moore, and the like.)
You have a gift, my friend. I think you combine some of the best traits of Erma Bombeck, Art Buchwald, and Mike Royko. (That's also a compliment.) Your "Animal House" vignettes are great. Keep 'em coming. Maybe one day you can compile them into a book, or like I said, start a column. I think you'd have a following in no time.
Anyway, thanks for the laughs. What a great way to start my morning...
Bending Truth- A look at Cognitive Dissonance by Theramin Trees
by OnTheWayOut ina reflection on the importance of acknowledging that we can all be manipulated.. this is an excellent presentation on the problems with leaving the group, problems with disagreeing with the group, why recruiting children is important to religions.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iauhr-trkhy.
under the radar
Very interesting and thought provoking! Thanks for posting it. I've already forwarded it to a couple of friends who I thought could grasp what it is saying without taking personal offense.
We'll see...